Spanish Christian Ministry
Benjamin is extremely passionate about helping others and giving back to the community. Benjamin's clown ministry as "Pimpollin" was born since he was 18 years old. Inspired by God, he created every part and detail of his costume, displaying beauty and elegance. The clouds around his eyes, the raindrops, his colorful cheeks, which represent the sun, create the rainbow. His makeup symbolizes the pact God made with mankind, to never wipe down humanity from this earth, as you might remember from the Noah's Ark bible story.
Through his beautiful character, Benjamin seizes every opportunity to share a message of love and hope with everyone around him. Because, even though he can't help every person's needs, he knows that the Lord can. Benjamin knows that the Lord will provide more to these children and their families than any tangible gift like shoes or toys could ever do. Using the Gospel as the foundation during his shows, he teaches many to have faith as small as a mustard seed, which has the power to move mountains.
Benjamin has done clown ministry work in these countries:
The Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
John 13:34